Welcome to our Start-up Church!​

We are an evangelical free church where people can encounter God personally and get to know other people.

We believe that a church should be authentic, relevant and caring about the people.

Life Church begins a new chapter....

and starts with LIFESHAPES. Through LIFESHAPES you will be led into and through a discipleship process! Biblical truths packaged in various geometric shapes will practically help you change your character and learn from Jesus and become more like Him.

Life Church lädt zum monatlichen Gebets- & Worshipabend ein

30.01. | 21.02. | 28.03.

jeweils 19:30-21 Uhr

im ARGUS Gebäude “Nobel-X” (Eingang rechte Hinterseite)
Folge den Wegweisern zur Life Church.
Wirtschaftspark 25, 9492 Eschen

„Jüngerschaft ist der Prozess, so zu werden, wie Jesus sein würde, wenn er an deiner Stelle wäre!“
Dallas Willard

We look forward to this adventure with you and to getting to know you!

Mathias Marmet,

Keep in touch